Public Banking 2013, Funding the New Economy
Co-hosted by Dominican University, Green MBA Program
Angelico Hall, 50 Acacia Avenue, San Rafael, CA
Angelico Hall, 50 Acacia Avenue, San Rafael, CA
"The recent (2012) Public Banking conference held in Philadelphia offered a message that is at once so simple - but also so bold - it is hard for most Americans to pause long enough to understand how profoundly their thinking had been corralled by the masters of finance - in ways far, far, far more insidious and powerful than even the latest financial crisis suggests."
Gar Alperovitz is the Lionel R. Bauman Professor of Political Economy at the University of Maryland and co-founder of the Democracy Collaborative, author of America beyond Capitalism.
More quotes here.
Gar Alperovitz is the Lionel R. Bauman Professor of Political Economy at the University of Maryland and co-founder of the Democracy Collaborative, author of America beyond Capitalism.
More quotes here.
Funding the New Economy -- here's how:
We've heard so much about the "New Economy" and its potential. But how do we fund it? The new JOBS Act will fund it with equity capital -- but how to fund it with affordable debt capital, the preferred approach for many entrepreneurs? Through affordable loan progams funded by a public bank.
States and counties are taking half steps towards this, but are inefficiently loaning out taxpayer dollars. As one example, Sonoma County has a "new economy" business funding and mca loan program here. It's a great idea, but the $40M of lending capacity could have been used to capitalize a $400M public bank, funding 10x more loans. All that Sonoma County is missing is a bank license from the state, making the loans more affordable and the entire process more efficient.
This and other examples of how public banks can fund the new economy will be explored at the Public Banking Conference. Be sure to join us!
States and counties are taking half steps towards this, but are inefficiently loaning out taxpayer dollars. As one example, Sonoma County has a "new economy" business funding and mca loan program here. It's a great idea, but the $40M of lending capacity could have been used to capitalize a $400M public bank, funding 10x more loans. All that Sonoma County is missing is a bank license from the state, making the loans more affordable and the entire process more efficient.
This and other examples of how public banks can fund the new economy will be explored at the Public Banking Conference. Be sure to join us!
Hosted by:
Public Banking 2013 -- 700 people (and one vampire squid) in attendance!
What went on at the Conference?

This year, just once!
Join pioneering policy makers, civic leaders, banking entrepreneurs, innovators and ordinary citizens interested in learning about one of the most critical undertakings of our time: creating a truly prosperous, democratic and sustainable new economy.
Public Banking 2013 Speakers:

Matt Taibbi, Journalist for the Rolling Stone Magazine

Ellen Brown, Author of Web of Debt and The Buck Starts Here

Birgitta Jonsdottir, Member of Iceland's Parliament
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